
What is Facial Plastic Surgery?

Perfect White SmileSmile Makeover

Imagine going to a plastic surgeon to enhance your cheekbones, chin, jawline or lips and finding out that the surgeon can do the procedure without a scalpel. The surgeon actually says to you, “we can grow the cheekbones using your own body physiology.” It may take a few months, but it can work.
How can we do that? With the simple advent of something called a growth or remodeling appliance that can actually grow your own bone to its own bodies DNA potential using its own physiology.

How It Works

This treatment works through a trauma response. Imagine if you broke your leg at 70 years old, the doctor would put a cast over your leg and the bones would heal. Do you agree that the bones healed in your leg? Yes or No? If you said yes, then you agree that bones can grow even at the age of 70.

What our device does is fakes a break in the upper jaw bone. It fools the body to think the bone is broken. It’s called mini trauma. By constantly pushing on a nerve ending which is located behind your two front teeth, where you get the pizza burn, this fools the body to think that the bone is broken. It’s a constant push but it does not hurt.

Amazing results occur when patients are using the growth or remodeling appliance. Because facial asymmetries exist which could have strutted their DNA potential, the body knows this and wants to correct it. With this appliance subtle asymmetries will correct themselves such as developing cheek bones, developing full lips, developing a nice chin and a nice facial profile.

How Facial Plastic Surgery Works

History Of The Remodeling Appliance

From 1950 to 1990 a professor by the name of Donald Enlow wrote a book called Facial Growth which outlined all the facial growth remodeling centers throughout the face. From this book, several dentists have attempted to use his principals to enhance facial features. This was combined with Wolff’s Law that states that a bone can reshape when pressure is placed on it. Combining Wolff’s law and Enlow’s facial growth work, the growth appliance emerged. The one we use is developed by the facial beauty institute in Memphis.

Before you get facial plastic surgery, take a look at your dental arches and bite. Are they narrow or wide? Can you breathe at night? Is your airway large enough? Do you have any weird tongue habits? Is your smile pretty? If any of these questions are a concern to you, contact our office today at 310.276.4537.

Who is the right candidate for Invisalign treatment?

Invisalign is designed for patients with mild to moderate malocclusion. This includes underbite, overbite, crossbite, open bite, gaps between teeth, and crowding. This system may be used along with attachments for patients on the more severe end of the spectrum.

Schedule A Consultation

Interested in Facial Plastic Surgery your teeth? Call (310) 276-4537 to schedule a consultation with Beverly Hills Dentist, Dr. David Frey.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do braces last longer than Invisalign?

For most patients, Invisalign takes about 12 to 18 months. However, those with very mild cases often see results within the first 6 months, while those with more severe cases may need up to 24 months. Traditional braces usually take about 12 to 18 months, with some patients needing up to 24 months. Very rarely does it take less time to treat malocclusion with traditional braces.

Is Invisalign covered by insurance?

Some dental insurance providers will cover dental insurance, while others will not. Our office staff will be happy to contact your provider to determine coverage. We strive to help you get the most out of your benefits.

What teeth are not suitable for Invisalign?

Invisalign clear aligners are not suitable for baby teeth or for teeth that are severely rotated or with large gaps between them.

Is it OK to get Invisalign from a dentist?

Yes, you can get Invisalign treatment through a general dentist. However, it is important to make sure that they are an Invisalign provider. This is because this treatment option requires specialized treatment to ensure the best results.

Is Invisalign still braces?

Yes, Invisalign clear aligners are considered a type of orthodontic treatment. However, this option is much more comfortable, convenient, and aesthetically pleasing than traditional metal braces.

How many times a day can I remove Invisalign?

Invisalign aligners can be removed as many times as necessary- but the time should not exceed 4 hours. While the aligners need to be removed when eating/drinking or when brushing/flossing, the longer they are worn, the more effective they will be.

Who is a bad candidate for Invisalign?

Patients who still have baby teeth or who have teeth with wide gaps between them or teeth that are severely rotated should not consider Invisalign treatment. It is possible to use Invisalign after other methods for more precise movements.

What is the success rate of Invisalign?

The success of Invisalign depends on several factors including the type and severity of the malocclusion, as well as the compliance of the patient. Most patients have been satisfied with their results.

How long do you need to wear Invisalign?

Invisalign clear aligners should be worn for 20 to 22 hours a day. Each set should be worn for 1 to 3 weeks. This will be outlined in your treatment plan, depending on the type and severity of your malocclusion.

Why is Invisalign so expensive?

One of the primary reasons that orthodontic treatment in general is expensive is because of the additional training the dentist needs. Invisalign is slightly more expensive due to the many benefits it brings.

Is Invisalign costlier than braces?

One of the biggest concerns that patients have is Invisalign cost. However, the average cost is comparable to that of traditional braces. Unfortunately, while many dental insurance providers will cover a portion of treatment, many others still classify this as a cosmetic procedure and will not cover any portion of it.

If you do not have insurance or if your provider does not cover treatment, we offer some financing options as well.

How much does Invisalign cost in California?

The cost of Invisalign treatment varies depending on several factors including the type and severity of your malocclusion the location of the clinic and the experience/expertise of the dentist. The average cost in California ranges from around $4,500 to $9,000, which is slightly higher than the national average.

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