
What To Do About A Cracked Veneer? Solutions and Strategies

February 23, 2024

aving a chipped or cracked veneer may be stressful. Veneers are a great cosmetic dental procedure for enhancing your smile and instilling confidence. However, they are not indestructible, as are all dental restorations. Veneers are intended to be durable; however, they are not indestructible. Veneers, like any other form of dental treatment (or natural teeth), are susceptible to chipping and breaking.

The chance of a cracked veneer is determined by the type of veneer you have. Composite veneers often last fewer than 10 years and are more prone to breaking than porcelain veneers, which can last up to fifteen or twenty years. If you find yourself with a cracked veneer, you should know what to do next. Whether you're dealing with porcelain or composite, it's crucial to grasp the following:

  • What causes veneers to break?
  • What to do if your veneer breaks, and
  • How to prevent broken veneers in the first place.

Perfect White Smile is here to help!

What are the Causes of Cracked Veneers?

A veneer can fracture due to various factors, including:

  • Improper design or placement
  • Persistent teeth grinding (bruxism)
  • Chewing hard foods like ice or jawbreakers frequently
  • Sudden facial impact or blow
  • Tooth decay beneath the veneer
  • Debonding, where the veneer separates from the tooth without physical breakage

Upon receiving your veneers, your cosmetic dentist should furnish you with comprehensive care instructions to ensure their longevity. It's crucial to note that while a fractured veneer is uncommon, diligent dental professionals meticulously examine tooth conditions beforehand, apply adequate bonding, and maintain covering integrity. Porcelain, renowned for its robustness, is a preferred material for various applications, including teeth restoration, household fixtures, and even flooring tiles.

What are the Signs of a Cracked Veneer?

  • Visible Crack: When examining a cracked veneer, you may notice either a fine, barely perceptible line running along its surface or a more pronounced break that's easily discernible. The integrity and beauty of your smile might be jeopardized by even a little crack, which can vary in size and severity.
  • Sharp Edges: Cracks in veneers often result in sharp edges that protrude from the surface. These jagged edges can cause discomfort and irritation to your tongue or the delicate tissues of your cheeks. If left unaddressed, they may even lead to minor cuts or abrasions inside your mouth.
  • Pain or Sensitivity: One of the most common consequences of a cracked veneer is increased sensitivity or discomfort in the affected tooth. As the crack exposes the underlying tooth structure, it can leave the nerve endings more susceptible to external stimuli. This heightened sensitivity may manifest as pain or discomfort when eating hot or cold foods or even when exposed to air.
  • Discoloration: Another telltale sign of a cracked veneer is the potential for discoloration. When the crack extends deep enough to expose the natural tooth beneath the veneer, it can create a noticeable contrast in color between the affected tooth and the surrounding veneered teeth. This color disparity can detract from the uniformity and esthetic appeal of your smile, prompting the need for prompt intervention and repair.

What to Do If You've Got a Cracked Veneer?

If you suspect that you have a cracked veneer, taking prompt action is crucial. Your first step should be to schedule an appointment with your trusted dentist at Perfect White Smile without delay. While waiting for your appointment, here are some important measures to follow:

Avoid Chewing on Hard Objects

Refrain from chewing on hard objects, as this could exacerbate the crack and lead to additional damage. Opt for softer foods and be mindful of anything that could potentially put a strain on the affected veneer.

Handle Brushing and Flossing with Care

When brushing and flossing your teeth, exercise caution to prevent putting excessive pressure on the cracked veneer. Use gentle, circular motions while brushing, and be especially mindful around the area of the crack to avoid aggravating it further.

Save Any Broken Pieces

If a fragment of the veneer breaks off, carefully retrieve it and store it in a safe place. You may help your dentist choose the best course of action and assess the amount of damage by bringing the broken piece with you to your visit.

What are My Treatment Options for Cracked Veneers?

The appropriate treatment for a cracked veneer hinges on the extent of the damage. Here are several options to consider:

cracked veneers

Repair (for Minor Cracks in Composite Veneers)

For minor cracks in composite resin veneers, a viable option is repair. Utilizing bonding material, a dentist can often mend the crack, restoring the veneer's integrity and appearance.

Replacement (for Most Cracked Veneers)

Unfortunately, when dealing with cracked porcelain veneers, repair is usually not feasible. In such cases, replacing the cracked veneer with a new one becomes necessary to ensure the continued aesthetics and functionality of the tooth.

Veneer Bonding (for Some Porcelain Veneer Cracks)

In instances where the crack in a porcelain veneer is small and doesn't compromise the overall integrity of the veneer, veneer bonding may be a viable solution. Through careful bonding techniques, your dentist may be able to effectively reattach the fractured portions of the veneer, restoring its structural integrity.

Dental Crown (for Severely Damaged Teeth)

When a cracked veneer extends beyond the surface and affects the underlying tooth, or if the tooth itself is severely compromised, a dental crown may be the most suitable option. Dental crowns provide complete coverage and support for broken teeth, assuring both cosmetic and practical endurance.

How to Prevent Cracks in Veneers?

To safeguard your veneers, it's crucial to work with a reputable cosmetic dentist renowned for their expertise. Many instances of broken veneers stem from avoidable errors during dental procedures. For instance, poorly aligned bites or ill-fitting shells can subject veneers to excessive force, leading to breakage. Ensure your veneers are impeccably fitted and maintained by following these fundamental guidelines:

  • Regular Dental Visits: Schedule routine cleanings and checkups with your dentist. Biannual visits are recommended: one for a general assessment and the other for a thorough cleaning.
  • Mindful Eating: Steer clear of hard foods that could potentially jeopardize your veneers. While crunchy snacks like tortilla chips are generally safe, avoid items such as hard candies and ice cubes.
  • Avoid Compulsive Chewing Habits: Refrain from chewing on non-food items like pencils, as this habit can put undue stress on your veneers.
  • Address Teeth Grinding: If you have a tendency to clench or grind your teeth, particularly during sleep, consider wearing a mouthguard at night to protect your veneers from damage caused by persistent grinding.
  • Maintain Oral Hygiene: Brush and floss after each meal, or at least twice daily, to keep your gums and teeth healthy. Periodontal disease can cause gum recession, compromising the integrity of your veneers. Opt for a soft-bristle toothbrush, preferably electric, and use a non-abrasive toothpaste formulated for veneers as recommended by your dentist.

Get Natural Looking Smile with Veneers in Beverly Hills, CA

A cracked veneer doesn't have to compromise your smile. By promptly seeking professional assistance and following the recommended solutions and strategies, you can restore the beauty and functionality of your veneers. At Perfect White Smile In Beverly Hills, our dedicated team is committed to helping you maintain a flawless smile for years to come. Schedule your appointment today and let us ensure your smile shines bright!


How do I temporarily fix a broken veneer?

After cleaning, you may consider temporarily reattaching the veneer using readily available dental adhesive or denture adhesive. If the damage is minor and there's no risk of swallowing or choking on fragments, using glue as a temporary fix until your dental appointment is an option worth considering.

What happens if a veneer cracks?

Regrettably, porcelain isn't a material that can be repaired when it cracks or breaks. Complete replacement is necessary in such cases. By "total," we mean replacing each affected tooth individually rather than needing to replace all of your veneers.

Do veneers crack easily?

Many veneers boast remarkable durability owing to their construction. With diligent care and maintenance, they often endure admirably for 10-15 years or even longer. However, despite their robustness, veneers are not impervious to damage, particularly in the face of trauma. Like natural teeth, they can succumb to breakage or cracking if subjected to significant force, leading to chipping akin to that of a regular tooth.

How Can We Help

The smile of your dreams starts with a consultation.

Located in Beverly Hills Perfect White Smile creates the world's most beautiful smiles and relieves patients of TMJ symptoms. Many times, both can be achieved at the same time in the same procedure!

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