Cosmetic Dentistry

Invisalign Before and After:Everything You Need to Know |PWS

July 24, 2023
Invisalign before and after

alocclusion, also known as “bad bite” is an extremely common condition. Almost everyone has some type of tooth misalignment. In the past, the primary methods for treating these issues often involved extractions and traditional braces.

However, in the late 1990s, Invisalign was introduced to the market as an alternative to these methods. Dr. David Frey at Perfect White Smiles in Beverly Hills, California can help you get your perfect smile- one that you can be proud of. He has worked with professional athletes, celebrities, and more throughout his career.

What Is Invisalign?

Invisalign is an alternative to traditional braces for resolving most mild to moderate malocclusions. This treatment consists of a series of clear aligners that are custom-made from 3D images and impressions taken of the patient’s mouth. The aligners put even pressure across the entire arch to shift them into their appropriate position.

The aligners are removable, which makes it easier to eat as well as clean your teeth- but they must be worn for at least 20 to 22 hours a day. On average, each aligner is worn for 1 to 3 weeks at a time. The average treatment timeline is 12 to 18 months. However, depending on the type and severity of the malocclusion, more or less time may be required.

Benefits of Choosing Invisalign Over Traditional Braces

Invisalign clear aligners offer a variety of benefits over traditional braces:

  • Cost: The cost between the two is comparable- the only difference might be insurance coverage
  • Appearance: Invisalign aligners are transparent, which means they are virtually invisible
  • Comfort: Invisalign aligners are made from smooth plastic and fit snugly against the teeth putting even pressure across the entire arch.
  • Convenience: Invisalign aligners don’t require dental visits every couple of weeks for adjustment, patients simply change their aligners based on their treatment plan and check in after every few aligners to monitor progress
  • Food restrictions: There are no food restrictions with Invisalign aligners since they are removed while eating- but you may want to avoid especially hard foods because teeth may be sensitive

Invisalign Before and After Comparison

Invisalign is used for a variety of tooth misalignments, as long as the issue only involves the teeth. If malformation of the skull is involved, other treatments may be required.

As long as you are compliant with your treatment plan, you will have straighter teeth at the end of your treatment. This means wearing your aligners for at least 20 to 22 hours a day- removing them only to eat or brush/floss teeth. In addition, you should wear each set of aligners for the specified time, usually 1 to 3 weeks. Finally, brush and floss as usual and visit the dentist after every few aligners to check your progress. We can make adjustments to your plan if needed.

Crooked Teeth

The most common reason that people seek orthodontic treatment is because their teeth appear crooked. Crooked teeth may be slightly too significantly rotated. In some cases, a patient may only have one crooked tooth. However, in other cases, the entire arch may be affected. Typically, crooked teeth are associated with malocclusions, or “bad bites”.

Overbite, Underbite and Crossbite

Bite alignment issues such as overbite, underbite, and crossbite are common. Invisalign can effectively resolve these issues.

  • Overbite: The upper teeth extend past the lower
  • Underbite: The lower teeth extend past the upper
  • Crossbite: Involves some lower and some upper teeth

Crowded Teeth

Crowded teeth are a condition in which the teeth are pushed against each other. In some cases, crowding can cause teeth to be rotated. If teeth are severely rotated, Invisalign is not appropriate.

Teeth Gaps And Spacing

Diastema, or teeth gaps, is a condition that is the opposite of crowding. In this condition, teeth are spaced out. Typically, it is the upper front teeth that are affected. However, it may also be present with other teeth as well. Invisalign is effective for closing gaps less than 6 mm.

Aftercare Maintenance

You will need to remove your aligners every time you eat or drink, and when you are brushing and flossing your teeth. When you take them out and before you put them in, you will need to rinse them. You should clean them thoroughly at least once daily with a soft-bristled toothbrush and non-abrasive toothpaste.


Invisalign is an alternative to traditional braces, primarily for mild to moderate malocclusions. However, it may also be used for more severe cases along with attachments/buttons and/or rubber bands to hold the aligners in place.

Invisalign offers many advantages over traditional braces including comfort, aesthetics, convenience, treatment time, and more. While any provider can offer Invisalign treatment, it’s best to go with one that is an Invisalign-certified provider.

FAQs on Invisalign Before and After

Dr. Frey and the team at Perfect White Smiles understand the importance of understanding dental procedures. After all, an informed patient is much more likely to become a satisfied patient. We will be happy to discuss your questions and concerns at any time - but here are some of the most common questions that we get about Invisalign treatment.

Can Invisalign fix uneven lips?

Many times, when a patient has moderate to severe malocclusion, their lips may appear uneven. By resolving the malocclusion, this problem may be resolved.

Will my teeth be perfect after Invisalign?

Your teeth may not be perfect following Invisalign treatment. However, they will be much straighter and more aesthetically pleasing. The good news is that if you are not satisfied, a second round of aligners can be ordered.

How long does it take to see results with Invisalign?

The typical timeline for full Invisalign results is about 12 to 18 months. However, most patients start seeing results within the first few weeks of treatment.

Which is faster, braces or Invisalign?

This depends on the type and severity of your malocclusion. Typically, Invisalign takes 12 to 18 months, while traditional braces typically take 12 to 24 months. However, in some cases, traditional braces may be faster and more effective than Invisalign.

What is the success rate of Invisalign?

Research indicates that Invisalign has a very high success rate around 96%. However, compliance is a major factor in the success rate of this treatment. In cases where Invisalign was not as effective, it was due to non-compliance on the part of the patient, not the treatment itself.

How Can We Help

The smile of your dreams starts with a consultation.

Located in Beverly Hills Perfect White Smile creates the world's most beautiful smiles and relieves patients of TMJ symptoms. Many times, both can be achieved at the same time in the same procedure!

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