Your Smile May Be Your Greatest Job-hunting Asset

Yes, real relationships develop over time. We all know that. But there are certain situations where an incredible first impression goes a long, long way. One of those times is when you’re advancing your career and interviewing for jobs.

50% Of Interviewers Will Remember Your Smile, 9% Will Remember What You Wore

A recent study by the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry suggests that half of adults absolutely remember other people’s smiles after having been introduced to them. That’s far more than the 9% who will remember a new acquaintance’s clothing. Cool, lime green shirt (above) but your smile will impress even more!

Brighter Smile = Higher Starting Salary?

Your smile can have a direct impact on your career opportunities. A 2007 study simulating job interviews showed that people were more likely to be offered jobs—and offered higher starting salaries—after they had whitened their teeth. Subjects were also perceived to be more professional and more confident after teeth whitening.

What Will People Remember About YOUR Smile?

It may not always seem fair, but people make assumptions based on one’s smile. The beauty is that, armed with knowledge (and an awesome dentist), You can take charge of the way people perceive you in professional situations such as interviews.

Make A Good Impression So They’ll Get To Know You On The Inside

Sometimes getting past first impressions with flying colors gives you the chance to let the “real” you come through. After all, that’s the most important part. Here’s some additional job hunting advice:

It’s Not About Perfection. It’s About Confidence.

The most important aspect of a great smile isn’t whether or not you have perfectly straight teeth or a perfect smile. It’s all about the confidence your smile brings. If there’s anything causing you to be self-conscious about your smile, talk with us. We can walk you through some ideas, and create a plan to fix the situation if you’d like.

Thank you so much for trusting us with your dental health. Good luck in your pursuit of that new job opportunity!

Dr. David Frey, a dentist passionate about creating beautiful smiles, graduated from UCLA and the University of Pacific School of Dentistry. After serving under privileged children, he opened a cosmetic dentistry practice, pioneering porcelain veneers, TMJ Treatment, Periodontal Treatment, Dental implants. He now uses the latest techniques to serve patients in Beverly Hills and London.

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Perfect White smile, David frey DDS
One of the top rated Dentist in Beverly Hills, CA

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