Test Your Dental Iq

Dentistry is serious business to Dr. Frey and the staff in our Beverly Hills and London cosmetic dentistry offices. Still, we know that to learn new things, you have to have a little fun, too. Here, we invite you to test your knowledge about oral health and cosmetic dentistry with our Dental IQ Quiz.

A Slightly Turned Tooth Can Be Corrected By

  1. Braces or Invisalign
  2. Dental bonding
  3. Porcelain veneers
  4. All of the above

Answer: 4. To get technical, braces or Invisalign will correct misalignment. Bonding and porcelain veneers are cosmetic fixes that make the turned tooth appear straight. Doing so can also reduce tight spaces in which bacteria may accumulate, resulting in a decreased risk of plaque as well as a more attractive smile.

Porcelain Veneers Are Good For

  1. Cracks
  2. Chips
  3. Gaps
  4. All of the above

Answer: 4. One of the reasons why porcelain veneer procedures have become the norm in cosmetic dentistry is because the thin sheaths of material can do so much! In addition to closing gaps and covering cracks and chips, porcelain veneers can also disguise tough stains, adding brightness to the smile.

The Best Way To Whiten Teeth Is

  1. Laser teeth whitening
  2. Home whitening kit
  3. In-office Zoom! Whitening
  4. All of the above
  5. None of the above

Answer: 5. We could not say that any particular procedure is more efficient than any other. The fact is, you will get the same gorgeous results from home whitening as you would with whitening performed in the dental office. What is important is that you consult with your dentist about getting a more radiant smile. Trying to whiten at home using commercial or home remedies could lead to frustration and may even lead to tooth or gum damage.

Dr. Frey, a member of the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, has been treating patients general and cosmetic dentistry needs for over two decades. His extensive training is advantageous for any person who wants their smile to accurately and beautifully reflect their personality.

We would love to speak with you about your dental needs! Call our Beverly Hills cosmetic dentistry office at 310-276-4537.

Dr. David Frey, a dentist passionate about creating beautiful smiles, graduated from UCLA and the University of Pacific School of Dentistry. After serving under privileged children, he opened a cosmetic dentistry practice, pioneering porcelain veneers, TMJ Treatment, Periodontal Treatment, Dental implants. He now uses the latest techniques to serve patients in Beverly Hills and London.

Medically Reviewed By

Perfect White smile, David frey DDS
One of the top rated Dentist in Beverly Hills, CA
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