Most of us recognize teeth grinding or clenching in other people, but not in ourselves. According to the American Sleep Association, approximately 15 percent of children grind their teeth when they sleep, and about 10% of adults do, as well. At a glance, a little clenching and grinding while you sleep may not seem like a big deal. Ultimately, though, we see some pretty steep consequences originate with this subconscious habit.
Teeth Grinding: What Is It?
Teeth grinding and clenching are habits that dentists refer to as bruxism. This term doesn’t describe the occasional clenching of the jaw that we see television and movie actors do; bruxism describes excessive grinding and gnashing that occurs frequently. In severe cases, these actions may go on night after night. When grinding and clenching are persistent, several symptoms may develop. These include jaw and head pain, tooth pain, and even broken teeth.
Dr. Frey is recognized as a leader in the treatment of TMJ disorder, a condition that often relates to bruxism and the continual clenching and grinding of teeth. Common approaches to minimizing bruxism may include a customized mouthguard and bite correction. In addition to obtaining professional care from a dentist who has specific experience treating TMJ disorder, there are a few ways to treat bruxism naturally. Home treatments that may complement professional care include:
- Exercise regularly. When we move our body, we release chemicals that relieve stress and relax muscles. Regular exercise also supports deep, regenerative sleep.
- Manage stress. There are several strategies that can be used to keep stress under control. For some, it’s yoga or meditation. For others, listening to music calms the body and mind. Find what works for you and reap lasting benefits.
- Try essential oils. Essential oils provide valuable therapeutic benefit whether they are used as aromatherapy or applied to the body. Common oils used for relaxation and sleep include bergamot, vetiver, rose, and lavender.
- Take magnesium. Studies have identified magnesium as vital for mood regulation and general relaxation. This mineral is present in bananas, avocados, black beans, and spinach. The average adult needs 320 mg of magnesium a day to support normal biological function.
If you are a grinder and clencher, your mouth and jaw may be suffering the consequences. Get the care you need to combat bruxism from Beverly Hills dentist Dr. David Frey. Contact us online or call 310-276-4537 for a convenient appointment.