Reducing Canker Sore Pain And Duration

THE EXACT CAUSE of canker sores is unknown. What we do know is that canker sores can be extremely bothersome! By better understanding some of the possible causes—and some treatment options—we hope to reduce the irritation canker sores may cause you.

Possible Canker Sore Causes 

These non-contagious lesions that appear on your gums, lips, cheeks, and the roof of your mouth may be caused by:

  • irritation (from harsh brushing, braces, biting the inside of your mouth, etc.)
  • high stress levels
  • bacterial infections
  • improper nutrition and/or vitamin deficiencies
  • immune system issues
  • food allergies

Tips For Reducing Canker Sore Pain And Duration

There’s no cure-all solution for canker sores. But, there are a few things you can do to reduce their painful impact and possibly reduce your susceptibility.

  • A baking soda or salt water rinse can soothe pain.
  • A daily dose of Vitamin B12 can reduce sore frequency and duration.
  • Certain over-the-counter products can help with pain and healing.
  • Do your best to reduce stress! Exercise may help!
  • Watch what you eat… Notice if certain foods trigger your canker sores.
  • Regularly using an antiseptic rinse may help with prevention.
  • Avoid hot or spicy foods that may further irritate sores.
  • Check your toothpaste. Some research shows that SLS (an ingredient found in many toothpastes) may aggravate canker sores.

An Important Note

Canker sores usually heal themselves in a week or two. If yours don’t, please call us to set up an appointment! Lingering sores may be an early sign of a more serious condition. Your health and comfort is our number one priority!

Thanks For Being A Valued Part Of Our Practice. We Appreciate You!

Dr. David Frey, a dentist passionate about creating beautiful smiles, graduated from UCLA and the University of Pacific School of Dentistry. After serving under privileged children, he opened a cosmetic dentistry practice, pioneering porcelain veneers, TMJ Treatment, Periodontal Treatment, Dental implants. He now uses the latest techniques to serve patients in Beverly Hills and London.

Medically Reviewed By

Perfect White smile, David frey DDS
One of the top rated Dentist in Beverly Hills, CA
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