Genetics And Bad: Teeth Hereditary Dental Problems That Can Affect Your Smile

Your smile will always be the most prominent and most eye-catching feature of your face. Whenever you flash your pearly whites at someone or at something that makes you happy, people will immediately turn their heads and admire the natural beauty that you are portraying with one simple gesture. It makes you feel good knowing that your teeth are healthy and strong because it helps create an impressive image of you, as your choppers aid you in performing tasks – like eating and speaking – effortlessly.

Of course, achieving this feat cannot be possible without the presence of your parents. Growing up, you would remember their constant reminder to brush your teeth after each meal, floss before you go to bed, and visit your local dentist biannually; and although it did feel like a boring chore back then – your perseverance has paid off quite nicely. However, did you know that these methods are still not enough to keep your teeth free from various dental problems?

It is a popular belief that bad teeth is caused by improper dental hygiene and maintenance. Though this statement is true in every sense of the word, there is one notion people tend to forget and it is that dental problems can also be passed down genetically.

Examples of Hereditary Dental Problems

The two most likely causes of genetic dental problems stem from the physical structure of your body, and family history, with the latter one having the highest chance. For example, if the shape of your jawline is misaligned, there is a high possibility that some of your teeth will grow differently, and affect the way your mouth looks and feels, but if you know that your family has a history of numerous dental problems, then it is possible that you will experience the very same symptoms your predecessors have.

People are unaware of the numerous dental problems that can be passed down genetically, and might confuse their situation with just a common tooth ache, and deal with the problem with their own hands. However, this method is highly discouraged for it could further damage your teeth. Here is a list of some of the known genetic dental problems to help you become more knowledgeable of what can happen to your teeth.

  1. Anodontia/Hypodontia

A hereditary condition where one’s permanent tooth/teeth do not develop but “baby” teeth erupts occasionally. Hypodontia affects both the lower and upper jaw because it alters the development of the bones in that area, resulting to major spacing problems.

  1. Malocclusion (bad bite)

Usually caused by crowded, extra, or missing teeth, Malocclusion affects the alignment of your jaws. Cases that are not immediately dealt with evolve into temporomandibular jaw (TMJ), which causes the person to have problems chewing and speaking.

  1. Gingival Fibromatosis

Gingival fibromatosis is a condition where the gum tissue of the person is overgrown. It is usually characterized by an enlargement of the gum tissue and is often associated with the overproduction of collagen.

  1. Oral Cancer

Though most oral cancer cases are caused by drinking too much alcohol, and tobacco, genetics can also be responsible. Individuals who have families who has/have had cancer, are likely to develop oral cancer because the mutation of oncogenes or normal tumor suppressors is present in the genes.

  1. Soft Tooth Enamels

Some people are born with a softer tooth enamel, and if it softer than usual, it will be easier for bacteria to enter, causing your teeth to decay. The structure of your tooth enamel is determined by your genetics.

  1. Canker Sores

This non-contagious condition is caused by immune system problems, bacterial infections, or hereditary disposition. They are small ulcers that develop inside the mouth and have a white or gray base, and a red border.

  1. An Increase in Sweet Preference

It is true that eating too many sweets can cause your tooth to rot, but there are quite a few people who just cannot control their sweet tooth, and it is certain that this can be traced by the variants of the person’s genes.

How Cosmetic Dentistry Can Help You

Like what was said earlier, the common act of brushing and flossing can only protect you to a certain extent. Those who are suffering from major dental problems – like those listed above – need something more to bring the smiles back on their faces.

Cosmetic dentistry is becoming a popular choice among people who have teeth trouble. Unlike the conventional dentist, professionals who are in this field can help reconstruct the shape of your mouth, as well as provide new sets of teeth that can last you a lifetime. They can do simple procedures like putting on braces – to realign your choppers and jaw line – or by giving your teeth a complete makeover by turning them pearly white.

Complex procedures are, of course, more expensive, but it will always be worth it once you see the results. People who no longer have the capability of growing teeth can have new ones directly implanted in their mouth, or acquire a set of dentures. Those who are suffering from major teeth damage can get extra fortification by having veneers placed on top of them.

Preserving your smile is just a matter of how well you can take care of your teeth, but there will come a time where the conventional ways of oral care can no longer give your teeth the protection it so desperately needs. Sometimes, the causes of your oral problems will not come from your lifestyle or life choices, but because the situation is deeply rooted in your family history. Do not lose any hope because there are a lot of cosmetic dentists in Beverly Hills, who are capable of bringing your teeth back to its perfect form, and really want to see you flash a big white smile. With the professionals helping you fight these genetic symptoms, you will regain your confidence once more, and have the freedom of showing off your perfect pearly whites to the whole wide world.

Dr. David Frey, a dentist passionate about creating beautiful smiles, graduated from UCLA and the University of Pacific School of Dentistry. After serving under privileged children, he opened a cosmetic dentistry practice, pioneering porcelain veneers, TMJ Treatment, Periodontal Treatment, Dental implants. He now uses the latest techniques to serve patients in Beverly Hills and London.

Medically Reviewed By

Perfect White smile, David frey DDS
One of the top rated Dentist in Beverly Hills, CA
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