Almost everyone has bad breath from time to time so I thought I would share some Beverly Hills bad breath triggers. Bad breath can be embarrassing, and a deal breaker, in both business and social situations. Aside from the notorious “morning breath” our worst breath of the day happens around 3 pm. Avoiding these bad breath triggers can make the problem less likely to happen to you.
- Food Triggers – Onions, garlic, coffee, and sugary drinks cause bad breath but even cruciferous vegetables like cabbage can add to the problem. The bad breath caused by some foods sticks with you even after you have brushed your teeth because some of the food chemicals are absorbed in your bloodstream and are part of the digestive process itself.
- Poor Oral Hygiene Trigger – Decaying food particles that have not been cleaned from the mouth are a feast for your oral bacteria (not to mention yucky). As you exhale the odor from decomposing food, bacteria and the plaque on your teeth and tongue can get really foul. Proper brushing and flossing can take care of this and regular dental hygiene visits can help.
- Oral Disease Triggers – Gum disease is responsible for most chronic bad breath. The same bacteria that cause gum disease and cavities are responsible for your halitosis so if you are experiencing bad breath on a regular basis it is time to call the dentist.
- Smoking Trigger – There are over 4,000 chemicals in the average cigarette and 200 of those are poisonous. Inhaling this stuff makes your breath smell and contributes to gum disease which means even worse breath. This is another situation where part of the problem comes from the chemicals in your bloodstream. No amount of brushing will completely get rid of “ashtray mouth”.
- Dry Mouth Trigger – Xerostomia or “dry mouth” is a condition that results in a reduction in the amount of saliva you produce. Saliva rinses away food particles and helps remineralize your teeth. Without the cleansing effects of saliva all the food debris stays in the mouth and is attacked by bacteria causing an unpleasant odor. This condition can be a side effect of certain types of medicines or may be a sign of a more serious condition. Talk about your dry mouth symptoms with your dentist.
- Medical Triggers – Medical issues like sinus infections, diabetes and even kidney failure can cause your breath odor to change. If you have good oral hygiene habits, visit your dentist regularly for professional cleanings but suddenly develop bad breath please call your physician.
Avoiding bad breath includes brushing and flossing regularly. Aa tongue scraper is a small investment and can really help. Scraping your tongue every daywill remove odor causing bacteria living there. Regular visits for professional dental cleanings will make sure that oral bacteria that cause bad breath are kept in check.
If you have a meal that has lots of bad breath causing foods you can try to mask the immediate effects by chewing a piece of parsley (naturally cleansing and deodorizing) or a piece of sugarless gum. Your breath will be back to normal in about a day.
Please contact Beverly Hills cosmetic dentist Dr. David Frey today at 310-276-4537 to schedule your next hygiene appointment. Working together we can keep your smile healthy and fresh.